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"Zero Hour"




"Holmes & Watson Save the Empire"

"The Producers"


“Marks makes Edna shine as the protective mother who eventually finds her own winning moment at the end of the convincing in the mother role that it was often easy to forget the part was played by a man and not a woman.”

– Jackie Puglisi, The Winchester Star


"Jason Marks, perfectly cast as Franklin, reigns supreme over “1776."

- Tony Farrell, Richmond Times Dispatch


“Jason Marks captures Zero Mostel's brilliance and brashness, laced with humor, historical reverence, and passion. Every second of the show is brimming with energy & emotion."

– Kathy Messick


"The well-oiled cast is led by Jason Marks in the title role.  From the start, Marks establishes a healthy balance between the gruff side of the ogre and the tender-hearted monster. By the time the heartbroken Shrek sings “Build a Wall” in the second act, he has the audience wrapped around his gigantic little green finger."

- Juliana Lewis, Richmond Times-Dispatch

"Perfectly cast, Shrek leaves you with a long list of favorite performances. Jason Marks is lovable from the start as the big green ogre, and carries the show beautifully. Whether he is in the swamp or a dragon guarded tower, the audience is with him every step of the way."

- Sara Cole,

"A bellowing baritone with a spot on Scottish accent, Jason Marks is born to play the title role. Marks' Shrek displays all the uncouth mannerisms and posturing of everyone's favorite green ogre to unbridled perfection."  

- Jeremy Bustin,


"Jason Marks takes on the role of Nicely-Nicely Johnson with aplomb. When he's in a scene, he commands the stage. His rendition of "Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat" is an award-winning showstopper that on opening night drew thunderous applause."

- Joan Tupponce, Richmond Times-Dispatach


"Jason Marks as Watson is absolutely delightful. A deft comedian with a strong, beautiful voice." 

- Roberta Kent, Ashland Daily Tidings




“Jason Marks understands the role of Max Bialystock the unscrupulous producer who raises money by seducing rich old women. Marks shows great chops in the exhausting “Betrayed” number.”

– Troy Record

"Jason Marks is perfectly cast as Max Bialystock. He gives a gleeful, vigorously physical performance that showcases his exceptional comic timing and serious vocal chops."

- Liz Jewett, Richmond Times-Dispatach

"Marks’ ability to belt out and dance to wild and fast musical numbers and yet not skip a beat to catch his breath in each scene immediately afterwards is remarkable...excellent comic timing, physicality of the humor, and a wide range of facial expressions. Vocally, he was always pitch perfect and could easily have carried the show by himself."

- Bruce Levy, Showbiz Radio

"Marks is delightfully over-the-top as the shady Bialystock.  Watching him is like watching one of the great vaudeville clowns."

- John Porter, WCVE Radio

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